Showing 101 - 125 of 200 Results
Security force assistance :the Army and Marine Corps have ongoing efforts to identify and tr... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781973961475 List Price: $14.99
Prepositioned stocks, Marine Corps needs to improve cost estimate reliability and oversight ... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781973958222 List Price: $14.99
Defense management :more reliable cost estimates and further planning needed to inform the M... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974199587 List Price: $24.99
Force structure  : Army and Marine Corps efforts to review nonstandard equipment for future ... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974238804 List Price: $24.99
Army and Marine Corps training :better performance and cost data needed to more fully assess... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974265190 List Price: $14.99
Marine Corps depot maintenance  : budgeting and management of carryover could be improved : ... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974266999 List Price: $14.99
Military training :actions needed to further improve the consistency of combat skills traini... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974445691 List Price: $22.99
Military training :Army and Marine Corps face challenges to address projected future require... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974445752 List Price: $22.99
DOD financial management :ongoing challenges with reconciling Navy and Marine Corps Fund Bal... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974447817 List Price: $22.99
Army and Marine Corps training :metrics needed to assess initiatives on training management ... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974501809 List Price: $18.99
DOD financial management :Marine Corps statement of budgetary resources audit results and le... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974549399 List Price: $24.99
Language and culture training :opportunities exist to improve visibility and sustainment of ... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974557820 List Price: $18.99
Army and Marine Corps training :metrics needed to assess initiatives on training management ... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781974619962 List Price: $18.99
U. S. Marines in Afghanistan 2010-2014: Anthology and Annotated Bibliography : Anthology and... by Marine Corps (U.S.), Wester... ISBN: 9780997317459 List Price: $79.00
Personal protective equipment, Army and Marine Corps are pursuing efforts to reduce the weig... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781548833343 List Price: $9.99
Personal protective equipment, Army and Marine Corps are pursuing efforts to reduce the weig... by Office, U. S. Government Ac... ISBN: 9781973921806 List Price: $14.99
A History of Marine Attack Squadron 311 by U.S. Marine Corps, U. S. Ma... ISBN: 9781514273371 List Price: $12.95
U. S. Marines in Afghanistan 2001-2009: Anthology and Annotated Bibliography by Marine Corps (U.S.) ISBN: 9780991158843 List Price: $86.00
Hill of Angels: U. S. . Marines and the Battle for con Thien, 1967 To 1968 : U. S. . Marines... by Marine Corps (U.S.), Long, ... ISBN: 9780160934636 List Price: $22.00
U. S. Marines in Afghanistan, 2001-2009: Anthology and Annotated Bibliography by Allison, Fred H., History D... ISBN: 9780160927560 List Price: $86.00
Additive Manufacturing Solutions in the United States Marine Corps (USMC) - Examination of A... by Military, U. S., Defense (D... ISBN: 9781717869869 List Price: $9.99
Rifle Marksmanship: The Official US Marine Corps Handbook by Marine Corps, U. S., U.S. M... ISBN: 9781985814615 List Price: $12.95
U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Amphibious Operations in the 21st Century: Amphibious Ships and Lan... by Military, U. S., Defense (D... ISBN: 9781719844147 List Price: $9.99
Registry of Army Vessel Names - Official Listings of Active and Retired Ship Names in the Ar... by Military, U. S., Defense (D... ISBN: 9781719872102 List Price: $8.99
U.S. Marine Close Combat Fighting Handbook by United States Marine Corps,... ISBN: 9789563101256 List Price: $9.99
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